With our huge database and years of experience, we have managed to develop innovative reporting.
Informens' reporting provides a complete picture of the outcomes of the Preventive Medical Examination. The results are compared to the Informens' benchmark. This benchmark is formed by more than 100,000 employees within various sectors in the Netherlands and is representative of the working population in the Netherlands. Specifically for the organization, data analysis is used to determine which themes have the most impact on working capacity.

The report consists of the following sections:
- the research group
- the dashboard
- the scores on work ability, work-related health and lifestyle by function and age
- the top 5 for improving employability
- conclusions and recommendations at organizational-, departmental- and job level.
To improve the NES score of a specific subarea, we perform a regression analysis. Thereby we look at the relationship with work ability and which themes have the most impact on it. We express the improvement as a percentage.